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Japanese Red Maple

Acer palmatum var. atr
Zones: 5 - 8

The Japanese Red Maple Grows in zones 5 - 8
  • Produces attractive, reddish purple foliage, especially in spring and fall (summer leaf color is often green)
  • Features simple leaves that are up to 4" in length; 5 or 7 lobes spread symmetrically from a central point like fingers from the palm of a hand
  • Can be grown as a small tree or multi-stemmed shrub
  • Yields red, winged seeds (samara) joined in pairs; the seeds are ½–1" in length, and the wings are ¼– ⅜" long
  • Grows in a rounded shape
  • Works well as a specimen, accent, shrub border, grouping, or bonsai
  • Should be watered during dry periods, keeping soil consistently moist
  • Will need protection from high winds and late spring frosts for its young leaves

Tree Details



Growth Speed

Slow to Medium

Scientific Name

Acer palmatum var. atr

Mature Height

15' - 25'


This little tree is the cornerstone of Japanese gardening, with its magnificent leaf color and shape. But don’t think it can’t work well in your yard. The Japanese red maple lends a sense of grace to any space. The dash of red is a welcome addition in yards and parks across the U.S.

The first specimen of the tree reached England in 1820 and was named Acer palmatum after the hand-like shape of its leaves. Today there are hundreds of Japanese red maple cultivars on the market, and Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' (meaning "dark-purple") is one of the most popular.

Sun Preference

Partial Sun/Shade, Full Shade

Soil Preference

Acidic, Clay, Drought, Loamy, Moist, Rich, Sandy, Silty Loam, Well Drained

Wildlife Value

Squirrels and chipmunks are very fond of these maple seeds. The seeds, buds and flowers are also eaten by grouse, quail and many songbirds.


The Japanese word "momiji" is sometimes applied to this tree in its native land. The word is said to have two meanings, both of them appropriate for the description of this wonderful tree: "baby's hands" and "becomes crimson leaves." 'Atropurpureum' means dark purple. The Japanese red maple is a tree that has been cultured intensively for over 300 years and retains a special place in the heart of all who love exotic trees.

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